Changes to Pharmacy Needle Exchange Stock

Changes to what equipment you can get at a needle exchange pharmacy in future

From 5 June 2024 Pharmacies and Alternate Outlets will be offering up to six pre-made packs for needle exchange clients.
The packs are tailored to different drug use needs and are free. Packs will have a coloured label for identification while also being discreet.
Get the quantity of packs you need until your next visit.
Have a look at the pack sheet next time you visit to find the pack that best meets your needs.
Not all packs may be available, so you will need to ask so the pharmacy/alternate outlet can order it in future.
Most other equipment, once the pharmacy/alternate outlet runs out, will no longer be available.

Remember to bring back your used equipment in the container provided in the pack for safe disposal.

You must be at least 16 years of age to use this site.